Inese Mavlutova, administr., is a professor, the leading researcher of BA SBF, an expert in Social Sciences: Economics and Management and Social and Economic Geography at the Latvian Council of Science (LCS). Author of more than 120 scientific articles, doctoral theses supervisor. Broad experience in LCS and international projects. The main research interests are financial management, financial sector development, digital transformation, entrepreneurship education, sustainability, green economy. An experienced researcher and project manager: LCS project lzp-2020 / 2-0317 "Impact of COVID-19 on sustainable consumption behavior and circular economy", 12.2020-12.2021 – project leader, leading researcher; Erasmus+ KA2 KnowledgeAlliances program. KABADA / Knowledge Alliance of Business idea Assessment: Digital Approach project. 612542-EPP-1-2019-1-LV-EPPKA2-KA 01.11.2019 -28.02.2023-researcher. BASBF Research Project Grant Program “Application of Modern Teaching Methods in Business Studies in Higher Education” 01.09.2019-30.06.2020 - Project group leader and “Competency Management Assessment in Latvian Financial Sector” 01.09.2019-30.06.2020 - the leading expert.